What to Expect

At a Story Imagin-ory you will get an all round experience, that is specifically designed to enhance early years communication, language and literacy skills through book sharing and interactive activities. 

Each week we dive into the pages of a new book, which our whole session is then themed around. You will never repeat the same sessions for at LEAST 2 1/2 years, meaning you can book time and time again knowing you will get a completely unique experience every time you come. 

Our sessions are structured, meaning we follow a specific format of half sitting/listening and half free play. This means that we build upon listening and concentration skills that are a fundamental life skill, then when bottoms are getting wiggly we move onto our free play where we can 'explore' our story in new and exciting ways. 

Every session includes storytelling, singing, simple phonics, British sign language, sensory experiences, numeracy and mathematics, small world play, mark making, and SO much more. Everything we do during the session is linked back to our story of the week. 

Alongside everything we do we provide simple key cards, which will tell you what developmental area the activity is aiding. In addition to this there is always a tip about how to develop speech, language, communication and literacy through the activity. 

 Most of all they are FUN!! We are warm, welcoming and we love getting to know you and your children.  At our sessions you become part of community, a storytelling imagination filled, fantabulous, book loving family. 

Birthday PArty!

We create a party around your chosen theme from space, farm animals, dinosaurs, fairy tales and many more.

We can stay for a maximum of 2 hours. It includes up to 8 activities, full set up, interactive storytelling singing, music & age appropriate games followed by full clear away.

Contact us for more information.